Dear Electronics Colleague - It's hard to believe that summer is almost over. It seems like just yesterday that the beaches and pools were opening up! This past summer, we had the opportunity to partner with a local community center and provide training for individuals looking to advance their professional careers. Students who had no soldering experience were able to learn basic skills and receive a certificate that will make them more marketable as professionals. It was truly a rewarding experience for both the students and the instructor! In other news, BEST is celebrating 20 years servicing the electronics industry! We invite you to help us celebrate at BEST on September 20th. There will be live music, food, and beverages. All are welcome! Let's party like its 1997! What: Chicago-style celebration, live music, food and drinks When: September 20th, 2017 @ 3pm During SMTA International convention, we are only 15 minutes away! Where: BEST, Inc. 3603 Edison Place, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
For more information, contact Krystle Abbott ( at 847-797-9250. Best Regards,
Dan Patten GM, BEST Inc.