
August 2014


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August 2014

Dear Electronics Colleague:

This summer has brought some great rock shows to Chicago that I have been privileged to see: Jack White put on a 3 hour show at the iconic Chicago Theater with his "garage rock" sound. Queens of the Stone Age thundered through an older theater in Milwaukee with a  wall of sound and St Vincent played an energetic set at the Pitchfork festival. I am most excited about another upcoming show that features the 80's techno sound of Devo. Can't wait to see all the devotees wearing their devo gear!



Our public speaking and teaching schedule has filled up for the fall including the following events:

SMTAI Chicago  

Sunday September 28th, 2014

Advanced Rework Session on BGA/QFN/Fine pitched devices

Register for T2 here


Wednesday October 1, 2014 

01005 Rework 

ISFA Houston, TX 

Wednesday November 12,2014 

Reballing Micro Devices

CTIA Las Vegas, NV  

September 9-12 

Classes and demos on repairing wireless devices 

We also will be exhibiting at SMTAI this year and hope to see you there!


Bob Wettermann

President, BEST Inc.

Repair of Broken PCB Corners    




When board handling or an accident occurs on a PCB, BEST can be your resource to repair a broken corner. Whether it is one board or hundreds, BEST can be that PCB repair knowledgeable resource.

Call Laura Ripoli at (847)797-9250 or email her at to see how we can be of assistance.

Outsource Your Solder/Mfg Training Needs 


If your trainer is tied up in their "other" job/s, or you have recently lost the services of a trainer, BEST can "fill in" with either a contract training resource for a few months.  

Once the new trainer is identified make sure to send them to BEST to get the right start for becoming your onsite trainer.

Call Alex Conley at 01-847-797-9250 for more details.

Reballing a Leadless Device to Simplify Rework 


Reworking some leadless device locations due to thermal considerations, device size and location of neighboring components is very challenging, even if you "bump" the device. BEST has an alternate solution to the replacement of these devices.

Instead of employing soldering paste and "bumping" the device, the leadless component is simply reballed and turned into a hybrid BGA. These are easier to place, can produce less voiding then other techniques and gives you the same thermal coverage.

See our article here.

We can perform this as a service, develop a process for you or manufacture the reballing devices you want. 

Contact Katy Radcliff at or at (847) 797-9250. 

Wave Power Generation to Supply "Green" Energy
LGA Rework

Trivia Contest-August '14

The Physics of Guitar Strings
Divider line 

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3603 Edison Place
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
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