
November 2014


November 2014

Dear Electronics Colleague:

I am excited to have my first Kickstarter campaign launched this month. I invite your feedback.(Now that I have experience in what this process looks like- if you have a product idea....we are always looking to help "productize" ideas) 

Last month my wife and I had the opportunity to see Pearl Jam; one of the pre-eminent rock bands. The show was great lasting 3 1/2 hours and was packed full of surprises. 


Contact Alex at to make sure that you can still get into one of the IPC-A-610 and/or J-STD-001 "E" to "F" webinars where you can learn about all of the changes! 


Bob Wettermann

President, BEST Inc.

BGA X-Ray Work  


If you need to have production boards x-rayed but do not have an efficient means to do this, BEST can provide this service. Our AXI system can be programmed to review BGA, LGA, QFN and other components with non inspectable surfaces in order to confirm your assembly work. More info is here or call Laura at (847) 797-9250 for more details.

01005 Rework Technique! 

01005 Rework-Pin Transfer Technique

01005 Rework-Pin Transfer Technique

At the SMTAI trade show, we co-authored a paper demonstrating a variety of  01005 rework techniques. Take a look at another one of these techniques that was evaluated and discussed during our technical presentation with Metcal. 

Throughhole Repair Kit  


If you have damaged barrels or via due to improper rework or physical board damage then BEST Inc has the throughhole kit for you. WE have instructional "how to" videos as well as a good assortment of different eyelets and the tools require for repair. More here.

Kickstarter Campaign "Kicked" Off

Bob Wettermann of BEST along with his business partner, Yury Milgram, have developed a programmable thermostat app that "talks" to a controller that will hold a set point temperature. The controller has an input sensor that indicates the current temperature. The controller turns a temperature source like a room heater, aquarium tank or germination system heater on and off  based on this measured temperature.
To contribute or find out more.


Trivia Contest-November '14


Mike Harrison from Arris Corporation was the first to answer last month's trivia question regarding the first assembly line. The answer we  were looking for was of the spaghetti.

The 1st person who replies to this months' trivia question with the correct answer will win a Circuit Scribe Basics Kit that allows you to draw and see how circuits work!


Question for November '14: 
Researchers have determined that ancient birds acted more like turkeys-that is foraging on the ground rahter than modern birds who live in trees by studying what feature of birds? 


Snow-the Science

Science of Snowflakes

Science of Snowflakes

This is for you technologists out there trying to get youngsters or other non scientists interested in STEM subjects.  Stop talking about your boring topics that interest only you. Use common everyday things that your audience is interested in, like getting the right sound from your strings! Get kids and your neighbors engaged in the science discussion.


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Best Inc. | 847-797-9250

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3603 Edison Place

Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

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