Dear Electronics Colleague:
Last month, I got to check off racing in a fat tire bicycle race from my "bucket list". This was held in the "North Woods" of Wisconsin. It was on the same trail as the infamous "Birkie" cross country ski race. It was a very challenging course!

2015 Fat Bike Birkie - A Racer's View
Our continued teaching and presentation schedule is below.

Reballing Webinar
Tues, April 21-SMTA.ORG Webinar
Reballing 101-Part I (Noon-1:30PM)
Tues, April 28-
Reballing 101-Part II (Noon-1:30PM)
You can sign-up here.
Also, keep a look out for our tech symposium schedule for the fall of 2015!
Bob Wettermann
President, BEST Inc.

Difference Between Version "E" and "F" of the IPC-JSTD-001

IPC J-STD-001 Revision E to F Comparison Webinar
As an update to the new Revision "F" IPC-A-610 and J-STD-001 standards, we have posted the "differences" webinar videos on our web site. Listen/watch as our master instructors walk you through the latest changes. As an update, the beta classes for both of these certification programs have been held and feedback from knowledgeable instructors have been given.
IPC-A-610 and J-STD-001 Revision F training materials will be released in the April time frame. We will be training to the latest revisions when available.
Buy the IPC-A-610F here. Buy the IPC-JSTD-001F here.
StencilQuik(TM) Replacing BGAs Quickly
When our StencilQuik(TM) product was developed nearly (11) years ago, the primary purpose was being able to reliably and quickly allow for techs to place a BGA on a prototype or replace a BGA as part of a removal and replacement process with little equipment investment. The added benefit of being able to repair damaged solder mask has been added to this benefit. We continue to improve this product based on customer demands. Call Chris Edwards at 847.797.9250 for further details or order online a custom version of the StencilQuik(TM) here.
IPC Certification Detroit, MI
BEST announces that has opened an IPC training center in the Detroit area. For those customers in the Detroit area, including neighboring Cleveland, Toledo, Toronto and Northeast IN, we invite you to training closer to your "home". BEST will be instructing students in IPC A-610, A-620 J-STD-001, IPC 7711/21, as well as other BEST solder training classes in this location. If you are an instructor in the Detroit area call us to arrange for a re-certification. Call Alex Conley (847) 797-9250 for how this may impact you and your company.
PCB Repair
 Broken Corner Repaired Corner
BEST can repair your critical board repairs. With nearly 20 years of service in the electronics industry, you can rely on BEST artisans to perform the repair to your physically damaged boards. BEST has the knowledge and experience to work on these flex repairs. Call Laura at 847.797.9250 or send her your details at
Trivia Contest-March 2015

Aaron from Epic Technologies was the first to answer last month's trivia question regarding the number of times Luke was hit by the combat remote. The answer was 2 times once on the left thigh and once on the left arm. There were a total of 4 people entered for the lightsaber drawing from last month.
From now until the end of the year in anticipation of the new Star Wars movie being released, we will be offering Star Wars prizes for all of the monthly winners. This month it is again a set of (10) Darth Vadar wine charms. At the end of the year all winners (right answer within (1) day of the question coming out, not just that months' winner) will be eligible to win a working light saber.
Question for March 2015:
An Imperial walker crushes whose body under its foot?
TED Talk Solving Wicked Problems-Making Toast as an Example?
Turn off your TV! Learn something! Listen and learn from a TED Talk.

Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast
In this TED Talk you can hear both sides of the argument , "Got a Wicked Problem?". Learn about the pros and cons and make up your own mind. It can be seen here.
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Best Inc. | 847-797-9250
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3603 Edison Place
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008