
December 2013


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Dec  2013 

Dear Electronics Assembly Colleague:  

After much Turkey with way too many trimmings, we find ourselves in the home stretch of 2013. We are thankful for much, including our clients, vendors and employees.


My last west coast trip found me at some of the largest semi and tech companies in Silicon Valley. It was exciting to see that the tech sector is doing well again (though some non brick and mortar, no profit company IPOs seem to be a replay of 2000). As part of that experience, I got to go to a San Jose Sharks hockey game. In Chicago, you cannot walk up the day of the game and sit 8 rows up from the back of the net! 

A Merry Christmas and a Successful New Year!  


Bob Wettermann

President, BEST Inc.

Follow me on  Twitter now at @bwetman 


Precision PCB Modification With Laser Source   



When you need to slightly extend a pad or trace dimension, BEST can be your source for this board level rework.

BEST designers can modify your PCB based on its GERBERS, whether the board is populated or unpopulated. We can then put mask or conformal coating on select areas.  

Call Laura Ripoli at (847)797-9250 or email her  at to see how we can be of assistance.

BEST Delivers on SMT Prototype Stencils    

BEST provides
high quality prototype stencils
for the product development community. Each "kit" features a high nickel content stainless steel stencil for the best release properties. Board holders and a squeegee are included as well.Orders are shipped 24 hours after check plot approval from Chicago.    
To order your custom prototype stencil, contact or call (847) 797-9250 if you would like to give the BEST professionals a try!

Geek Speak  


Anything designed with thick users in mind. 
Usage. Let's make it 100% Crippleware so we can get users to pay us money once they are locked in.
New Video Series on QFNs from Technical Symposium 
QFN Assembly Challenges
QFN Assembly Challenges-Phil Zarrow
Check out the videos on our YouTube channel for the recent BEST symposium on bottom terminated components. There is a series of (5) sessions featuring Q/A at the end of the session. 
Find this video and more on the BEST YouTube channel  
SMTA Wisconsin Chapter Discussses
(5) FN Challenges that will Make You Scream!
Custom Circuit Frames for Repair of Pads and Traces

Trivia Contest-Dec '13 

Divider line 

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Best Inc. | 847-797-9250 
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3603 Edison Place
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
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