IPC J-STD-001 Online Learning
The IPC-J-STD-001 Assembly of Printed Wiring Boards is the defacto hand soldering certification standard for the assembly of printed circuit boards. This is a hands-on standard for the assembly of wires and terminals, throughhole and SMT components on printed wiring boards. The requirement for operators to be certified in this standard assures that those assembling printed wiring boards understand the assembly process, materials and inspection of the assemblies. Since this program consists both of lecture and hands-on skills development only a portion of the instruction fits well into a remote learning environment.
Since the onset of the pandemic in the beginning of 2019 the instruction and the IPC certification process has become more accommodative in terms of remote learning, teaching and testing. The theoretical portions of the instruction as well as the testing can now be done via the IPC EDGE online learning platform. However, the hands-on portion of the instruction and skills confirmation of the student still require in person learning.
The following are the J-STD-001 online training and certification programs:
J-STD-001 CIS online Initial certification for application specialists. 1 day live instruction over the internet for Module 1 and the balance in person soldering instruction and skills-based training for up to an additional 4 days.
J-STD-001 CIS online challenge testing for application specialists. 1 day testing via online proctoring, 1 day in person solder testing of skills
J-STD-001 CIT online challenge testing for instructors. 1 day testing via online proctoring, 1 day in person solder testing of skills
J-STD-001 CIT online aerospace instructor certification. 1 day live instruction via a master instructor followed by testing via online proctoring. Prerequisite is an existing J-STD-001 CIT certificate.
J-STD-001 CIT online aerospace instructor re-certification. 1 day live review via a master instructor followed by testing via online proctoring.
J-STD-001 CIS online aerospace application specialist certification. 1 day live instruction via a master instructor followed by testing via online proctoring. Prerequisite is an existing J-STD-001 CIT certificate.
J-STD-001 CIT online aerospace application specialist re-certification. 1 day live review via a master instructor followed by testing via online proctoring.
J-STD-001 CSE online aerospace subject matter expert certification. 1 day live with a master instructor followed by testing via online proctoring.
While there are numerous options for online learning and online proctoring, the J-STD-001 teaches methods and materials for assembly-where the technical topics can be covered in an online format with the hands-on portion being in person. The hands-on portion will still be instructed in person in order to make corrections to techniques and have the instructor work shoulder to shoulder with the students on the proper techniques. The in person skills verification required in the IPC J-STD-001 maintains the integrity of the credential and program.
Call BEST to see how we can incorporate IPC J-STD-001 online learning to meet your certification requirements.