
Spring 2017


BEST Inc.                                                                                                                          (847) 797-9250

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Spring 2017 

Dear Electronics Colleague -

As we dive into another beautiful spring full of new growth and opportunities, I'm reminded of John C Maxwell's line "Everything worthwhile is uphill". Everything from training on a new skill, developing a new or more efficient process, expanding your team/relationships to share the heavy lifting, to climbing a freakin' mountain. Try something new this spring even if you think you can't or don't have time. I bet you'll surprise yourself.


Coming up on May 10th, BEST will be presenting at the Kester Rework Seminar in Itasca, IL. BEST MIT Norman Mier will be conducting a live demo on "Simple process for reworking leadless devices" and "Ultra-fine pitch rework (remove and replace)." 

If you are interested or to RSVP, please contact Michelle O'Brien (

Best Regards,


Dan Patten 


High Volume PCB Rework

Many times a very large rework project may not make a lot of sense. The labor costs are more than 50% of the board material costs, or the job is too large to get through in the required timing.

BEST has recently added a semi-automatic rework machine that can both deposit paste/flux as well as place parts at high speed. This new capability is meant for projects requiring the replacement of passive devices, BGAs/QFNs on a single board, or multiple boards. Find out more on our website.

Contact Laura Ripoli ( at 224-387-3255 with any questions.

Need to recertify your 

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Certification?

Now is the time!

BEST will be at the Electrical Wire Processing Expo next week on May 11th and will be available for challenge testing. Proctored by one of BEST's Master IPC Trainers, challenge tests are a quick way to get recertified and can be completed within a few hours.


The tests are priced at a special show rate. If you are interested, please contact Alex Conley ( at 224-387-3256 for details.

Space is limited so don't wait to secure a spot!



BEST Inc. | 847-797-9250 | 

3603 Edison Place, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008


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