
Nov 2011 Vol. 2, Iss. 46


Dear Subscriber:
If you want to make your own fun look at the LED project at the bottom of this newsletter.

If you have never seen The Birds" it is a creepy horror movie from the 60's movie by Alfred Hitchcock where a California town is suddenly and for unexplained reason terrorized by violent bird attacks. I thought I was in the middle of that set recently on a trip to Michigan as seen in the photo below.

The Birds
Thanks to all of the attendees at our recent Rework Challenges webtorial where today's rework challenges were discussed over a 3 hour period. Contact the SMTA in order to see the archived version. 

Our final appearance for public instruction this year will be at the IPC Online webinar on "Rework of High Thermal Mass Boards" and is scheduled for December 13th

Hope to see you there!
Find us on Facebook
Bob Wettermann
President, BEST Inc.


IPC-A-610 CIT Training -The BEST Difference
         610 Front 1  11271.1516139960

With BEST you get a better IPC-A-610 CIT experience.


Unlike other training center experiences we give you the following IN ADDITION to BEST instructors 


A. ALL IPC-A-610 CIT candidates will get as part of their training fee "The BUG", a solder inspection training tool. This unique tool will go home with new instructors to help bring their training to life 


B. ALL IPC-A-610 CIT candidates will, in addition to their visual training will be tested and receive instruction on REAL PCBs. They will be given real PCBs to practice and hone their skills in a practical fashion. 


Schedule your IPC-A-610 training with BEST to see our difference in Chicago, Minneapolis, West Virginia or Huntsville.  


Call Katy Radcliff at (847) 797-9250 to discuss details.  


7-Segment RGB-LED



                  New BEST Logo

Seven segments LED displays usually come in a single color like red, green, blue or yellow.This DIY'r decided to fill this gap and made one by himself. What he did was that he took an existing 7-segment display and removed single colored LEDs with a Dremel and replaced them. See more here.  



WIN an Amazon Kindle Fire
Kindle Fire
First time orders placed in  November and December (2 of them!) with a value of at least $100.00 on

will be registered to
an Amazon Kindle Fire! Our first winner was an OHIO customer!


"puh-TEE-nuh" which is a noun.


The vocabulary you use tells others your level of intellect.




A surface appearance of something grown beautiful with age or use, superficial covering or exterior 



"Although the winery is brand new,it has been constructed and decorated to get it a patina of old world quaintness. "

"THE BUG" for Electronics Assembly and Inspection Training
This is a plastic over sized electronics component you can use in the classroom to help explain what a proper solder joint needs to look like! See morehere !
Need Basic Hands-On Solder Training?
BEST will be holding an end of the year Soldering 101 class on December 5th and 6th in Chicago. This class goes through the basic of hand soldering including soldering iron usage, component ID, ESD safeguards and basic SMT and Throughole component soldering. In this class you will be making  a functioning project!

Call Katy Radcliff at (847)  797-9250 for details.